Historic Touring Cars Rules
Guiding principles
1) To have fun
2) To create a friendly social atmosphere
3) To promote the integrity of the Historic Touring Car class
4) To promote close, competitive non-contact racing
5) No Championship points. Racing rewards should come from racing fantastic cars with like-minded people
6) The enjoyment of the cars and camaraderie should take preference to winning
Driver Application to join Historic Touring Cars New Zealand
Applicants wanting to join Historic Touring Cars NZ should contact the Chairman: Steven Kelly {stevenkelly320@gmail.com} before purchasing a car.
The HTC NZ car eligibility committee will then make a final decision on whether the car and driver are suitable to join the class. The driver must have adequate racing experience to safely race in the class. A car inspection may be requested to determine eligibility.
Car eligibility is as follows.
Vehicle Eligibility Historic Touring Cars New Zealand
To be eligible to race within the Historic Touring Car Group, the car must be a Genuine period saloon racing car that competed in a significant race series, either nationally or internationally between the years of 1970 and 2000. The following period racing groups are accepted, European Group 1 or 2 Saloon cars, British Touring Cars, DTM 1988-1992, Australian Group C, International Group A, Group A V8’s up to and including 1992, Class 2 2.0L Super Tourers, or NZ 2 Litre Schedule S Touring Cars. Consideration may also be given to other genuine period racing cars that are outside the aforementioned criteria.
Replica cars will not be eligible except under the Grandfather clause
Car Grandfather clause : There are a small number of replica cars which joined the HTC group during it’s early inception. In recognition of these founding members, they are able to race these replica cars via the Grandfather clause. If one of these owners decides to sell their grandfathered car, then pending an assessment of the new prospective owner by the HTC eligibility committee, the new owner may be able to continue to race with Historic Touring Cars NZ via a transferred grandfather clause.
Genuine vehicle: This must be as it was raced in period. Current HTCNZ sponsor decals, and current drivers name may be added to the car.
Bodywork: Must be identical in shape, construction and material used to those used in the vehicle in period.
Engine: Must be identical to the engine used in the vehicle in period. The engine must have the same number of camshafts, valves and cylinders as was fitted to the original competition version. The materials of the main components must be as was fitted to the original competition version. Where original parts are no longer available, substitute parts may be used, providing these provide no significant performance advantage. ECUs may be substituted for a modern unit providing that no more functions than were available in period are used. Electronic fuel injection cannot be substituted for mechanical injection, where mechanical injection was originally fitted to the vehicle.
Gearbox. Where possible the original gearbox must be used. If parts are no longer available for the original gearbox, a gearbox of a similar type and number of speeds as used in period can be substituted.
Brakes: Brakes must be the same as originally fitted. Brake disc size, caliper numbers, and number of brake caliper pistons must be as original, or as allowed as an option in the vehicle’s period Homologation papers. Master cylinder sizes can be substituted providing they are operated by the same system.
Suspension: Suspension must be as per the original vehicle. Shock absorbers may be changed if the originals are no longer available. Replacement shock absorbers can only have the same number of functions as the original shock absorbers.
Interior: Interior should be as per original. A passenger seat may be fitted. Any changes involving driver safety may be made. Dashboards and gauges should be as per original. Period style instruments may be substituted to replace non-functioning or damaged instruments.
Wheels and Tyres: Wheels and tyres should be as originally fitted in period. Where suitable tyres are no longer available for a given rim diameter, an application may be made to the eligibility committee to change the wheel size to one that allows fitment of a more readily available tyre, and is visually similar to those used in period.
HTCNZ events are strictly non-contact competitive racing. It is acknowledged that accidents can occur. However, if a driver is identified to use their car in a reckless manner which leads to an unnecessary accident, this will be treated seriously by the HTCNZ committee. This may result in the disqualification of the individual from racing in the rest of the weekend event. With serious or repeated reckless driving this may result in the cancellation of the drivers membership in the HTCNZ association.
Professional Drivers
Any member of the HTC NZ group may invite any professional driver to race their car at HTC events. This enhances the group as a whole and delivers an elevated spectacle for race fans. However, the professional driver must race respectfully with all other drivers in the spirit of the HTC NZ guiding principles and expected driving standards.